Austria lies at the heart of Europe and offers great opportunities for companies of all sectors. Austrian products and brands are renowned worldwide. And cultural treasures such as Mozartkugels, Lipizzaner horses, Sacher cake and Sissi are known around the globe.

Innovations developed in Austria are known and used globally -- for example in the construction of skycrapers. A tunneling method developed in 1962 is still the worldwide standard tunneling technology. Other key characteristics of Austrian products are e.g. sustainability, environmental friendliness and climate protection. Solar collectors produced in Austria are used in one of the largest solar thermal plants. Seven billion eggs are delivered every year around the world in 100% recyclable plastic packaging. 2 mobile phone loudspeakers per second are leaving the production line in Austria. The famous decorative crystals that adorned the dress of Marilyn Monroe are made in Austria. They are used for clothes, fashion jewe

The Austrian capital city Vienna is the world's most liveable city (according to the Mercer quality of living survey) -- and this for the third year in a row (2009, 2010 and 2011). Vienna is also home to some of the world's best brains.

Meet world class business partners in Austria. And enjoy the broad range of attractions -- or at least a delicious chocolate cake.


7. Januar 2014

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