#EYA2014 - Go Green: TrashOut

The European Youth Award is a pan-European contest to select and honour "Digital Creativy for Social Good!". The seven categories of #EYA2014 concentrate on Europe’s most pressing challenges as defined by the Council of Europe and EU strategy Europe 2020 in 2014. Winner in the category Go Green is "TrashOut.me".

Winner in the category Go Green is "TrashOut.me". TrashOut.me is an app for monitoring illegal dumps worldwide, including landfilling, illegal waste or fly tips, while pointing to the underlying problems of financial self-interest, corruption and illegality. TrashOut.me treats illegal dumping as a metaphor for the lack of social responsibility that disables solutions to problems. Aimed at eco-friendly people, geocachers, outdoor sports people, seniors with smartphones and individuals aware of pollution, TrashOut.me also cooperates with electronic recycling companies, waste collectors and ministries of environment whose services it promotes. TrashOut.me aims to get the app into the hands of one million European users, turning citizens into ambassadors sharing knowledge and pushing local municipalities to recycle.

Die Kurzvideos wurden mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Grazer Know Center produziert.


3. Dezember 2014

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Birgit Kolb

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