#EYA2014 - Active Citizenship: TheSlumChallenge

The European Youth Award is a pan-European contest to select and honour "Digital Creativy for Social Good!". The seven categories of #EYA2014 concentrate on Europe’s most pressing challenges as defined by the Council of Europe and EU strategy Europe 2020 in 2014. Winner in the category Active Citizenship is "The Slum Challenge".

The Slum Challenge (TSC) is a documentary project about life in slum areas, home to more than one billion people worldwide. In the megacity of Manila, a third of all people live in densely populated slums. The core of TSC is an interactive plot filmed in point of view through the eyes of a Filipino boy. The storyline unfolds in fifty-four unique interconnected sequences. Using gamification, the viewer decides what will happen next by selecting from the options placed at the end of each sequence. Along the way, pop-up icons appear, giving the viewer more insight into the dilemmas and choices of life in slums.TSC literally brings the slum at eye level to the target viewer group – teens aged 13 to18 – making them think about the consequences for young people of growing up in slums.

Die Kurzvideos wurden mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch das Grazer Know Center produziert


3. Dezember 2014

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Birgit Kolb

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