European Youth Award 2017: SchoolFox

SchoolFox is an app for teachers, parents and pupils. Many schools still rely on paper media to communicate with families.

Teachers write letters and prepare handouts for parents or check signatures 5 hours weekly, a school in Austria uses 25,000 sheets p.a. to reach parents who may not respond or feel sufficiently involved, leaving the teacher underinformed about social problems. Family isolation from school life negatively impacts pupils’ learning. SchoolFox tackles these problems with special focus on security, privacy and social integration. Teachers send class news to parents via messages, photos and attachments. Parents confirm receipt with one click, a signature-list is viewed by the teacher who easily finds parents who are missing. Recipients can translate texts into 40 languages for others or invite co-users such as family members to help. With innovative features from popular social media services adapted to the needs of the education sector, SchoolFox fosters teamwork and eliminates language barriers between teachers and parents, while saving time and eliminating paper waste.


28. November 2017

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Dr. Birgit Kolb

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