European Youth Award 2017: My Day

My Day is an app/software platform informing persons with disabilities about accessibility in public buildings located in Pristina.

Volunteer students from the Faculty of Architecture initially evaluated accessibility in educational and health facilities based on the availability of ramps, horizontal access, lifts, toilets and parking. A broad network of volunteers followed up in administrative facilities, cultural/sports and other facilities providing services to citizens. My Day understands true community inclusion to mean everyone, regardless of capability, participates side-by-side. People with disabilities have the right to inclusive education, living, employment, and leisure opportunities. While designing and facilitating their own care, opportunities and support, people with disabilities also depend on the awareness of the surrounding community. My Day is what active citizenship is all about: facilitating lives, sensitizing the community and bringing people together through digital innovation. The true spirit of the European Youth Awards.


28. November 2017

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Dr. Birgit Kolb

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